Segment | Directive | Description |
Header |
.DEVICE | Defines the type of the target processor and the applicable set of
instructions (illegal instructions for that type trigger an error message, syntax:
.DEVICE AT90S8515) |
.DEF | Defines a synonym for a register (e.g. .DEF MyReg = R16) |
.EQU | Defines a symbol and sets its value (later changes of this value
remain possible, syntax: .EQU test = 1234567, internal storage of the value is 4-byte-
Integer) |
.SET | Fixes the value of a symbole (later redefinition is not possible)
.INCLUDE | Includes a file and assembles its content, just like its content
would be part of the calling file (typical e.g. including the header file: .INCLUDE
"C:\avrtools\appnotes\") |
Code |
.CSEG | Start of the code segment (all that follows is assembled to the code
segment and will go to the program space) |
.DB | Inserts one or more constant bytes in the code segment (could be
numbers from 0..255, an ASCII-character like 'c', a string like 'abcde' or a combination
like 1,2,3,'abc'. The number of inserted bytes must be even, otherwise an additional
zero byte will be inserted by the assembler.) |
.DW | Insert a binary word in the code segment (e.g. produces a table within
the code) |
.LISTMAC | Macros will be listed in the .LST-file. (Default is that macros
are not listed) |
.MACRO | Beginning of a macro (no code will be produced, call of the macro later
produces code, syntax: .MACRO macroname parameters, calling by: macroname parameters) |
.ENDMACRO | End of the macro |
.ESEG | Assemble to the EEPROM-segment (the code produced will go to the EEPROM
section, the code produces an .EEP-file) |
.DB | Inserts one or more constant bytes in the EEPROM segment (could be numbers
from 0..255, an ASCII-character like 'c', a string like 'abcde' or a combination like
1,2,3,'abc'.) |
.DW | Inserts a binary word to the EEPROM segment (the lower byte goes to the next
adress, the higher byte follows on the incremented address) |
.DSEG | Assemble to the data segment (here only BYTE directives and labels are valid,
during assembly only the labels are used) |
.BYTE | Reserves one or more bytes space in the data segment (only used to produce
correct labels, does not insert any values!) |
Everywhere |
.ORG | Defines the address within the respective segment, where the assembler
assembles to (e.g. .ORG 0x0000) |
.LIST | Switches the listing to the .LST-file on (the assembled code will be
listet in a readable text file .LST) |
.NOLIST | Switches the output to the .LST-file off, suppresses listing. |
.INCLUDE | Inserts the content of another source code file, as if its content
would be part of the source file (typical e.g. including the header file: .INCLUDE
"C:\avrtools\appnotes\") |
.EXIT | End of the assembler-source code (stops the assembling process) |