Document Source: Project developed by W8DIZ, 13 Dec 20, 2021, updated 20 Feb 2022 Updated by KU4QO for production version, 8/26/23 This Project is totally open source; No Rights Reserved, especially for China. Installation Instructions and Parts List for the ATmega328 ASM - Si5351 tutorial project note: There are two (2) caps on the PCB labeled C16; follow below instructions for correct placements of C16 Click me for Project Schematic Click me for Project PCB Layout Demo ASM code ===================== PARTS Lists and Instalation Instructions for all parts in the small bag labeled"X" ===================== 21 pieces You can skip the next two steps if you plan to run one of the external Si5351 modules (to avoid soldering the small MSOP10 package) ________ Install the MS5351M SMT Clock Chip. Note pin one (1) orientation U3 located in the upper left corner of the PCB ________ Install X2 CX3225SB25000 (25 MHz) Kyocera SMT Crystal (included) Note: The xtal is not square but it is rectangular. Match the orientation on the PCB; The crystal is symmetrical so you can rotate 180 degrees on the PCB. See Spec sheet at for details. If you have a soldering heat gun, apply a small amout of paste on the 4 pads. Place the crystals on the pad...heat until solder paste melts into solder. If no heat gun is available, very slightly tin the pads on the PCB and the pads on the crystal. Apply a small amout of liquid solder flux if available. Heat the corner pads of the xtal on the PCB until you notice solder flow/connection to the pads. Picture of this step completed ________ Install C1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,18 100n 1206 SMT (tan color, 10 pieces) note that C18 is labeled as C16 on the PCB, located directly above R15 Picture of this step completed ________ Install C3 47pF NPO labeled VS1 the dirty white colored capacitor Picture of this step completed ________ Install R2,11,12,13,15,20,21,22 499 1206 SMD labeled 4990 Picture of this step completed ===================== PARTS Lists and Instalation Instructions for all parts in the small bag labeled"O" ===================== 20 pieces There are two caps that have a square body and not flat like the other caps Install the two 2u2 square body caps at C12 & C14 ________ C12 located on top edge of PCB ________ C14 located next to U5, the 5 volt regulator Picture of this step completed ________ Install C2 18pF NPO labeled VG1 the dirty white colored capacitor Picture of this step completed ________ C15,16,17 3n3, brown color (flat body); C16 is located just below J15 Picture of this step completed ________ Install R3,7,8,9,10 2K 1206 SMD labeled 202 Picture of this step completed ________ Install R5 100 1206 SMD labeled 101 current limiting in conjunction with R6 LCD Backlight Brightness Picture of this step completed ________ Install R14,16,17,18,19 10K 1206 SMD labeled 103 Picture of this step completed ________ Install optional pull-up resistors R23,24 4K7 labeled 472 for open collector optical encoders Picture of this step completed ________ Install R1 2M5 1206 SMD labeled as 2554 Sorry, I missed the pictures for these steps. =================== Install parts from the big bag ======================== Install the Voltage Regulator ________ U5, 78M05 or 7805 Install 3-pin Headers J11, J12 and J13 ________ J11, J12 and J13 ________ place a jumper on J11 to select your 5 volt power source (Right 2 pins above C13) Install LEDs - Pay attention to the flat side of the LED and the outline on the PCB. ________ LED1 Yellow LED Power_On indicator (5 volts applied to circuits) ________ LED2 Green LED used for first ASM code project - make it blick at a specific rate ________ Install D1, 1N400x or 1N5817, Power reversal Protection Diode ===================== Check 5 Volt Regulator Circuit ===================== We will now check the voltage regulator output for correct voltage ________ Apply 12 volts to J12 - center pin is (+), outer pins are ground or (-) ________ LED1 should light Yellow ________ Measure 5 volts at J14 ________ Keep the jumper on J11 if you will power the kit from a 12 VDC source ________ Move the jumper to the left if you plan to power the kit from an external 5 volt source ________ Install Reset Push Button ________ Install the three IC sockets (pay attention to the pin-1 mark on the socket and the board) ________ Install J2 (three pin) and J10 (6 pin) headers ________ Place Selection Jumpers on Headers J2 (short bottom two pins) and J10 (two jumpers, on center and left pins) If you use one of the external Si5351 modules, you will select the opposite pins on J10 to connect SCL and SDA to the external connectors. ________ Install J15 (6 pin header). Use two jumpers on the center and right pins to select the mechanical encoder we will install next. ________ Install Mechanical Encoder (pulls from Automobile Radios ________ Instal D2,3 1N4148 voltage drop/regulator diodes to "create" the 3v3 source Install the trimmer capacitor observing polarity (flat side towards crystal) You can leave this uninstalled if you don't want to use the external oscillator ________ C4 5-30 pF ceramic trimmer cap (should be able to calibrate X1 to it's exact frequency) ________ Install headers J1. There are two 16 pin male header-strips in the kit. One straight and one 90 degrees. You need to decide how you want to use them to interconnect the LCD to the PCB, using the two (2) included 8-pin multicolored double female cables. If you want to install the LCD directly to the board you can install a 16 pin female SIP connector here (not included in the kit). I used the 90 degree connector which takes the cable off the board horizontally. ________ Connect the LCD Standard/Common HD44780 14 or 16 pin LCD module, 2 lines x 16 characters (included) ________ Install J7 AVRISP Programming header, 3x2 0.1 inch ________ Install R4 2K Trim blue trimmer pot labeled 202 LCD contract adjust ________ Install R6 100 blue trimmer Pot labeled 101 LCD brightness adjust As you install the DIP ICs, be careful with the pins. You may have to carefully bend the pins slightly inward to easily line up with the socket. Take your time. ________ U1 74HCU04N hex inverter with 14 pin DIP socket (you can leave this uninstalled if you don't want to use the external oscillator) ________ U2 74HC164N Shift Register to transfer data to the LCD with 14 pin DIP socket ________ U4 ATmega328 CPU iwith DIP socket (included) ________ U5 78M05 or 7805, 5 volt voltage regulator (included) ________ X1 External Freq Ref - 16 MHz (included) (you can omit this if you don't plan to use the external oscillator. You can also install a machine-pin socket here to make it easier to try different crystal frequencies.) ________ Install mechanical encoder (included) ________ Install Q1,2 - 2N7000 MOSFETS used for 5 volt to 3.3 volt logic level shifting 3.5 inch x 4.0 inch PCB ===================== List of Jumpers ========================= J1 LCD connector J2 Select external oscillator or crystal for Si5351 J4 RF Out header connection, 3x2 0.1 inch (not included) J7 Program header J10 I2C Select, 3x2 pin straight male header, 0.1 inch with jumpers (included) J11 Five (5) Volts Select, 1x3 pin straight male header, 0.1 inch with jumper (included) J12 Twelve (12) Volts External Input, 1x3 pin straight male header (included) J13 Five (5) Volts External Input, 1x3 pin straight male header (not included) J14 Five (5) Volts Sample Header, 1x2 pin straight male header (included) J15 Encoder Select, 3x2 pin straight male header, 0.1 inch with jumpers (included) Jumpers - total of six (6) used with J2(1), J10(2), J11(1), J15(2) ===================== USER SUPPLIED PARTS ===================== J3 Optional Adafruit header, 7x1 0.1 inch, (user supplied) J5 Optional A/D Input Header for use with user supplied 10K pot, 3x1 0.1 inch (user supplied) J6 Optional QRP-Labs header, 10x1 0.1 inch, (user supplied) note:Only pins 11-20 of QRP-Labs' Si5351a Synth Board are connected to J6. A jumper from pin 10 to pin 11 on the Synth Board to supply 5V to it's VCC In is required. J8 Optional Keypad header, 8x1 0.1 inch, (user supplied) - See EBAY.COM J9 Optional Optical Encoder header, 10x1 0.1 inch, user supplied ENCOS16D2S65C Enc Opt 10p SW 6N 5V Conn, MOUSER.COM, DIGIKEY.COM Picture of the completed board Picture of the board in action!