A list of interconnections between the MP+ boards.
Thanks to Dennis, WB0WAO www.qsl.net/wb0wao
Interconnect Cables/Header Information
(a "#" indicated RG-174 coax cable comnnection)
PLL Board - Note that there are no J numbers on this
board for reference, so I will use locations instead
Below Hex Switches - 10m Jumper
Between PLL Chip and LT1252 Chip
There are two headers here, one above the other,
both identical - center pin hot.
#Connect one to J50 on FCC Board and
#Connect the other to J3 on the RCVR board.
Below LT1252 Chip - Header to connect the 10 turn tuning pot.
The top pin is Pin 1 and goes to the high side of the pot,
the center pin goes to the wiper of the pot, and the bottom
pin goes to the low side of the pot (ground).
Lower Right Corner of the Board - This is the +12v power
connection. IMPORTANT NOTE: The connections to this header
are different from the other power connections on the other
boards. The POSITIVE (+12v) is connected to the left most pin.
Then GROUND can be connected to either the center or right
most pin or both.
FCC Board
J1 - Battery Backup for keyer - Center pin is positive
J2 - Normally not used. Keys the XMTR but no sidetone.
See Instructions for More Information
J4 - Paddle Input - Pin 1 and 3 are Inputs from dit/dah,
Pin 2 is ground
#J5 - Connect to J9 on RCVR Board - Center pin is hot
J6 - Command/Memory button - Center pin is hot
J7 - Speed Set - Center pin is hot
#J8 - Volume - Pin 1 to high side of pot,
Pin 2 to wiper, Pin 3 to low side of pot
J9 - Speaker - Center pin is hot
J10 - Power (+12v) - Center pin is hot
J11 - Connect to J10 on RCVR Board - Center pin is hot
J12 - Connect to J8 on RCVR Board - Center pin is hot
J13 - Connect to J7 on RCVR Board - Center pin is hot
#J50 - Connect to PLL board near C15 - Center pin is hot
J51 - Offset Enable Jumper - Jumper on pins 1 and 2 to Enable
J52 - Offset +/- Jumper - Jumper on pins 1 and 2 for (-)
RCVR Board
#J1 - Connect to BPF Board (Desired Band) - Center pin is hot
J2 - RF Preamp Enable Jumper - Short 1 and 2 to enable
#J3 - Connect to PLL - Center pin is hot
J4 - RF Preamp Enable Jumper - Short 2 and 3 to enable
J5 - RF Preamp Enable Jumper - Short 2 and 3 to enable
J6 - Power (+12v) - Center pin is hot
J7 - Connect to J13 on FCC Board - Center pin is hot
J8 - Connect to J12 on FCC Board - Center pin is hot
#J9 - Connect to J5 on FCC Board - Center pin is hot
J10 - Connect to J11 on FCC Board - Center pin is hot
J11 - Bandwidth - Connect Pin 1 to high side of pot,
Pin 2 to wiper, Pin 3 to low side of pot
J12 - Connect to J1 on XMTR Board - SEE NOTE 1
XMTR Board
J1 - Connect to J12 on RX Board - SEE NOTE 1
#J2 - Connect to LPF Board (Desired Band) - Center pin is hot
#J3 - Connect to BPF Board (Desired Band) - Center pin is hot
J4 - Power (+12v) - Center pin is hot
NOTE 1 - The cable going from J12 on the RX Board
to J1 on the TX Board needs to be done in the following way:
Pin 1 on J12 is connected to Pin 1 on J1
Pin 2 on J12 is connected to Pin 3 on J1
Pin 3 on J12 is connected to Pin 2 on J1
On the cable from J12 to J1 you have to reverse
the Pin 2 and Pin 3 connections.