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Build this Crystal Filter Module
This kit consists only of a Crystal Filter PCB.
Specific Crystal Kits sold separately.

Crystal Filter Schematic: ExpressPCB Schematic Source File

Crystal Filter PCB both layers: ExpressPCB Board Layout Source File
PCB is 3.70 x 0.85 inches


T1 & T2 are optional matching transformers.
Typical transformer type will be a BN-43-2402 using 34 gauge magnet wire

C3a,C4a,C5a,C6a are optional trimmer capacitors for fine tuning the crystal filter
Typical timmer caps are GKG50015

Crystal Filter Educational Links:
QER Crystal Filter Designer
Crystal Slide Show (pdf)
Crystal Bandpass Filters
QEX Nov-Dec 2009 Feature (pdf)

Toroids, Ferrites