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Supplying Toroids, Electronic Parts and Kits to Engineers, Schools and Hobbyists |
Available Now Functions & Specs: All Ports are 50Ω +7dBm Local Oscillator Injection Design Full Diplexer at the IF Port Optional Attenuators for RF & LO Ports This kit does NOT include: _____ External Connection Cables _____ Enclosure _____ 3 pin headers For Solder Pencil Soldering, this kit recommends: _____ Good Quality 45 Degree Diagonal Tweezers. _____ HAKKO FX-888D Temperature Controlled Solder Pencil. _____ CircuitWorks CW 3220 Liquid Flux. _____ Kester Solder 63/37 .028 - use for other parts. For Hot Air Soldering, this kit recommends: _____ Hot Air Gun Model 858D (or better). Search for item # 274463047101 _____ CircuitWorks CW 3220 Liquid Flux. Search for item # 202373307435 _____ Kester Solder 63/37 .020 (0,5 mm) - use for SMDs. _____ Mechanic Solder Paste XGZ40 63/37 Paste/Flux 183 Deg C, IPX3, 35g Search for item # 223803694552 Production ADE Mixer Schematic: ExpressPCB Schematic Source File ![]() Production ADE Mixer PCB: ExpressPCB Board Layout Source File PCB is 1.3 x 1.3 inches ![]() ADE-1+ Spec Sheet ADE-6+ Spec Sheet Building Instructions: 1. DO NOT remove any parts from the kit until instructed to do so. How to wind Toroids for this kit. 2. Some helpful SMT Info / Links Surface-Mount Soldering Notes by W8BH, Bruce Hall Youtube Link About Desoldering And Flux Youtube Link About Capacitors Youtube Link General SMT Tutorial Youtube Link Hot Air SMT 3. Try to limit the handling of the SMT parts; they have a tendancy to disappear. If using a hot air gun, you may wish to organize the parts installation into sections. 4. Install the unmarked capacitor _____ C3 - 1000pF - qty 1 - install and solder. 5. Install the two SMD 1206 resistors. _____ R7,8 - 51Ω - qty 2 - labeled as 510 _____ R1,2,3 - install any optional LO Port Attenuator Resistors _____ R4,5,6 - install any optional RF Port Attenuator Resistors _____ install jumper wires across R2 and R5 if NOT installing Attenuators 6. Install MiniCircuits ADE-1 or ADE-6 Mixer. Note the DOT at PIN-1 - should be installed near R7 _____ ADE-n - install and solder. 7. Install any 3-Pin headers onto the PCB - NOT INCLUDED 8. Install Trimmer Capacitor _____ C1 (C4 not required) - install the Brown Trimmer - Note Orientation 9. Create & Install IF Diplexer Inductor L2 L2 is a T37-17 toroid colored blue & yellow Select your IF from the table and cut the required red magnet wire. Wind wire evenly over the entire toroid. Trim the wire ends to half an inch, then tin with solder and install on the PCB Optional: Verify that L2 & C3 are resonant at the IF using a Scope/SigGen or a Spectrum Analyzer.
*** actual measured and tested values 10. Create & Install IF Diplexer Inductor L1 L1 is either a black FT37-67 or black FT37-61 (see table) The FT37-67 is in the SMD parts bag Select your IF from the table and cut the required red magnet wire. Wind wire evenly over the entire toroid. Trim the wire ends to half an inch, then tin with solder and install on the PCB Optional: Verify that L1 & C1 are resonant at the IF using a Scope/SigGen or a Spectrum Analyzer. Parts List: R7,8 - 2 each 51 Ohm labeled 510 R1,3 - 2 each 300 Ohm labeled 301 R2 - 1 each 18.2 Ohm labeled 18R2 C3 - 1 each 1000pF NPO 50V not labeled C1 - 1 each 60 pF Brown Trimmer 3 each 3-Pin Headers - NOT INCLUDED 1 each ADE-1 or ADE-6 DBDRM L2 - 1 each T37-0 Rust Colored Phenolic Toroid L2 - 1 each T37-17 Blue & Yellow Powdered Iron Toroid L1 - 1 each FT37-67 Black Ferrite Toroid (in SMD bag) L1 - 1 each FT37-61 Black Ferrite Toroid (in main bag) 35 inches of red #27 magnet wire 3 dB 300-18-300 (R1 - R2 - R3) 4 dB 220-24-220 6 dB 150-36-150 |
Toroids, Ferrites |