;LCD code for AT90S2313 ;use with 16x2 LCD display ;2313-lcd.asm .device AT90S2313 ;***** I/O Register Definitions .equ SREG =$3f .equ SPH =$3e .equ SPL =$3d .equ GIMSK =$3b .equ GIFR =$3a .equ TIMSK =$39 .equ TIFR =$38 .equ MCUCR =$35 .equ TCCR0 =$33 .equ TCNT0 =$32 .equ TCCR1A =$2f .equ TCCR1B =$2e .equ TCNT1H =$2d .equ TCNT1L =$2c .equ OCR1AH =$2b .equ OCR1AL =$2a .equ ICR1H =$25 .equ ICR1L =$24 .equ WDTCR =$21 .equ EEAR =$1e .equ EEARL =$1e .equ EEDR =$1d .equ EECR =$1c .equ PORTB =$18 .equ DDRB =$17 .equ PINB =$16 .equ PORTD =$12 .equ DDRD =$11 .equ PIND =$10 .equ UDR =$0c .equ USR =$0b .equ UCR =$0a .equ UBRR =$09 .equ ACSR =$08 ;***** Bit Definitions .equ SP7 =7 .equ SP6 =6 .equ SP5 =5 .equ SP4 =4 .equ SP3 =3 .equ SP2 =2 .equ SP1 =1 .equ SP0 =0 .equ INT1 =7 .equ INT0 =6 .equ INTF1 =7 .equ INTF0 =6 .equ TOIE1 =7 .equ OCIE1A =6 .equ TICIE =3 .equ TOIE0 =1 .equ TOV1 =7 .equ OCF1A =6 .equ ICF1 =3 .equ TOV0 =1 .equ SE =5 .equ SM =4 .equ ISC11 =3 .equ ISC10 =2 .equ ISC01 =1 .equ ISC00 =0 .equ CS02 =2 .equ CS01 =1 .equ CS00 =0 .equ COM1A1 =7 .equ COM1A0 =6 .equ PWM11 =1 .equ PWM10 =0 .equ ICNC1 =7 .equ ICES1 =6 .equ CTC1 =3 .equ CS12 =2 .equ CS11 =1 .equ CS10 =0 .equ WDTOE =4 .equ WDE =3 .equ WDP2 =2 .equ WDP1 =1 .equ WDP0 =0 .equ EEMWE =2 .equ EEWE =1 .equ EERE =0 .equ PB7 =7 .equ PB6 =6 .equ PB5 =5 .equ PB4 =4 .equ PB3 =3 .equ PB2 =2 .equ PB1 =1 .equ PB0 =0 .equ DDB7 =7 .equ DDB6 =6 .equ DDB5 =5 .equ DDB4 =4 .equ DDB3 =3 .equ DDB2 =2 .equ DDB1 =1 .equ DDB0 =0 .equ PINB7 =7 .equ PINB6 =6 .equ PINB5 =5 .equ PINB4 =4 .equ PINB3 =3 .equ PINB2 =2 .equ PINB1 =1 .equ PINB0 =0 .equ PD6 =6 .equ PD5 =5 .equ PD4 =4 .equ PD3 =3 .equ PD2 =2 .equ PD1 =1 .equ PD0 =0 .equ DDD6 =6 .equ DDD5 =5 .equ DDD4 =4 .equ DDD3 =3 .equ DDD2 =2 .equ DDD1 =1 .equ DDD0 =0 .equ PIND6 =6 .equ PIND5 =5 .equ PIND4 =4 .equ PIND3 =3 .equ PIND2 =2 .equ PIND1 =1 .equ PIND0 =0 .equ RXC =7 .equ TXC =6 .equ UDRE =5 .equ FE =4 .equ OR =3 .equ RXCIE =7 .equ TXCIE =6 .equ UDRIE =5 .equ RXEN =4 .equ TXEN =3 .equ CHR9 =2 .equ RXB8 =1 .equ TXB8 =0 .equ ACD =7 .equ ACO =5 .equ ACI =4 .equ ACIE =3 .equ ACIC =2 .equ ACIS1 =1 .equ ACIS0 =0 .equ RAMEND =$DF ;Last On-Chip SRAM Location .equ XRAMEND =$DF .equ E2END =$7F .equ FLASHEND=$3FF .equ LCDSTART=$C0 .equ LCDEND =LCDSTART+8 .equ INT0addr=$001 ;External Interrupt0 Vector Address .equ INT1addr=$002 ;External Interrupt1 Vector Address .equ ICP1addr=$003 ;Input Capture1 Interrupt Vector Address .equ OC1addr =$004 ;Output Compare1 Interrupt Vector Address .equ OVF1addr=$005 ;Overflow1 Interrupt Vector Address .equ OVF0addr=$006 ;Overflow0 Interrupt Vector Address .equ URXCaddr=$007 ;UART Receive Complete Interrupt Vector Address .equ UDREaddr=$008 ;UART Data Register Empty Interrupt Vector Address .equ UTXCaddr=$009 ;UART Transmit Complete Interrupt Vector Address .equ ACIaddr =$00a ;Analog Comparator Interrupt Vector Address ;Define register name ; r0 is used by Z-registor .def temp1 =r16 .def temp2 =r17 .def temp3 =r18 .def temp4 =r19 .def temp5 =r20 .def temp6 =r21 .def LCDPOINTER=r22 .def delay =r24 .def W =r25 .def XL =r26 .def XH =r27 .def YL =r28 .def YH =r29 .def ZL =r30 .def ZH =r31 .equ PORTLCD =PORTB .equ DDRLCD =DDRB .equ PINLCD =PINB .cseg ;This tells the assembler that what follows is code, and goes in ROMspace .org $000 rjmp RESET rjmp EXT_INT0 ; IRQ0 rjmp EXT_INT1 ; IRQ1 rjmp TIM1_CAPT ; Timer1 Capture rjmp TIM1_COMP ; Timer1 Compare rjmp TIM1_OVF ; Timer1 Overflow rjmp TIM0_OVF ; Timer0 Overflow rjmp UART_RXC ; UART Receive rjmp UART_DRE ; UART empty rjmp UART_TXC ; UART Transmit rjmp ANA_COMP ; Analog comparator RESET: ;init everything here ldi temp1,low(RAMEND) out SPL,temp1 ; Set stack pointer to last internal RAM location ldi temp1,high(RAMEND) out SPH,temp1 ldi temp1,5 ;set timer0 prescale divisor to 1024 out TCCR0,temp1 ;using 10.24 XTAL you get 10,000 Hz/100uS ldi temp1,$02 out TIMSK,temp1 ;enable TIMER0 overflow interrupts EI: sei ;global all interrupt enable rcall initlcd rcall lcdclear ldi ZH,high(2*msg1) ldi ZL,low(2*msg1) rcall loadbytes ;rcall lcdhome menu: ;main program ldi temp1,$C5 rcall lcdcmd ldi temp1,$37 rcall lcdput ldi temp1,$C6 rcall lcdcmd ldi temp1,$33 rcall lcdput ldi temp1,$89 rcall lcdcmd ldi temp1,'o' rcall lcdput ldi temp1,$8A rcall lcdcmd ldi temp1,'o' rcall lcdput lockup: rjmp lockup initlcd: ldi temp1,0 out PORTLCD,temp1 ;turn off any pullup resistors ldi temp1,$7F out DDRLCD, temp1 ;set LCD port for output ldi delay,4 ;wait at least 15ms after Vcc=4.5V rcall WaitForDelay ldi temp1,3 ;function set out PORTLCD,temp1 rcall toggleE ldi delay,2 ;wait 10 ms rcall WaitForDelay ldi temp1,3 ;function set out PORTLCD,temp1 rcall toggleE ldi delay,2 ;wait 10 ms rcall WaitForDelay ldi temp1,3 ;function set out PORTLCD,temp1 rcall toggleE ldi temp1,2 ;function set, 4 line interface out PORTLCD,temp1 rcall toggleE ldi temp1,$70 ;make 4 data lines inputs out DDRLCD,temp1 ldi temp1,$28 ;function set 4-wire, 2-line, 5x7 rcall lcdcmd ldi temp1,$0C ;display on, cursor off, blink off rcall lcdcmd ldi temp1,$06 ;address inc, no scroll rcall lcdcmd ret lcdwait: ;wait for lcd not busy push temp1 push temp2 ldi temp1,$F0 ;make 4 data lines input out PORTLCD,temp1 sbi PORTLCD,PB5 ;set r/w to read cbi PORTLCD,PB6 ;set register select to command nop ;wait for data setup time nop ;delay 140 ns waitloop: sbi PORTLCD,PB4 ;set E high nop ;delay 450 ns nop nop nop nop cbi PORTLCD,PB4 ;set E low in temp2,PINLCD ;read busy flag rcall toggleE sbrc temp2,3 ;loop until done rjmp waitloop pop temp2 pop temp1 ret lcdcmd: ;send cmd in temp1 rcall lcdcmd2 lcdcmd2: mov temp2,temp1 rcall lcdwait ldi temp1,$7F out DDRLCD,temp1 ;set LCD port for output mov temp1,temp2 swap temp1 andi temp1,$0F out PORTLCD,temp1 rcall toggleE mov temp1,temp2 andi temp1,$0F ;strip off upper bits out PORTLCD,temp1 rcall toggleE ldi temp1,$70 ;make 4 data lines input out DDRLCD,temp1 mov temp1,temp2 ret lcdput: push temp1 push temp2 mov temp2,temp1 rcall lcdwait ldi temp1,$7F out DDRLCD,temp1 ;set LCD port for output mov temp1,temp2 mov temp2,temp1 swap temp1 andi temp1,$0F ;send upper nibble data out PORTLCD,temp1 ;send data to LCD sbi PORTLCD,PB6 ;set register select to data rcall toggleE mov temp1,temp2 andi temp1,$0F ;send lower nibble data out PORTLCD,temp1 ;send data to LCD sbi PORTLCD,PB6 ;set register select to data rcall toggleE ldi temp1,$70 ;make 4 data lines input out DDRLCD,temp1 pop temp2 pop temp1 ret toggleE: nop ;wait for data setup time nop ;delay 140 ns sbi PORTLCD,PB4 ;set E high nop ;delay 450 ns nop nop nop nop cbi PORTLCD,PB4 ;set E low ret lcdclear: ;ldi temp1,3 ;rcall lcdcmd ldi temp1,1 rcall lcdcmd ret lcdhome: ;ldi temp1,3 ;rcall lcdcmd ldi temp1,2 rcall lcdcmd ret loadbytes: lpm tst r0 breq bytesloaded mov temp1,r0 rcall lcdput adiw ZL,1 rjmp loadbytes bytesloaded: ret WaitForDelay: tst delay brne WaitForDelay ret EXT_INT0: push temp1 in temp1,SREG ;save the status register out SREG,temp1 ;restore the status register pop temp1 reti EXT_INT1: push temp1 in temp1,SREG out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti TIM1_CAPT: push temp1 in temp1,SREG out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti TIM1_COMP: push temp1 in temp1,SREG out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti TIM1_OVF: push temp1 in temp1,SREG out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti TIM0_OVF: push temp1 in temp1,SREG push temp1 ;this is for a 8,192 KHz Xtal ;ldi temp,$F8 ;1 ms ;ldi temp,$F0 ;2 ms ;ldi temp,$E0 ;4 ms ;ldi temp1,$D8 ;5 ms ;ldi temp,95 ;20 ms ;this is for a 10,240 KHz Xtal ;ldi temp,$F6 ;1 ms ;ldi temp,$EC ;2 ms ;ldi temp,$D8 ;4 ms ldi temp1,$CE ;5 ms ;ldi temp,56 ;20 ms out TCNT0,temp1 ;set for next overflow tst delay breq TIM0_EXIT dec delay TIM0_EXIT: pop temp1 out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti UART_RXC: push temp1 in temp1,SREG out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti UART_DRE: push temp1 in temp1,SREG out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti UART_TXC: push temp1 in temp1,SREG out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti ANA_COMP: push temp1 in temp1,SREG out SREG,temp1 pop temp1 reti msg1: ; 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 .db "LCD Test",0